3D Under the Sea
3D Under the Sea
Acrylics on Flat Canvas Board
11x14 inches (frame 15x18) - original painting
SOLD! In Private Collection

Fish & coral plant life come alive here in high relief sculptural form. One of the unique features of Ruth Collis' thick paintings is the transition from "Flat" to "Height," showing the brushstrokes between the flat canvas to the thickly painted parts that seem so unreal. Those transitionary strokes make the painting look like it truly is a painting, when hard to believe some of these cool thick forms truly are acrylic paint.
Go underwater in this unique thick acrylics painting where shapes take on a sculptural form. Reeds have a transparent quality, fish spout extravagant tails, sea coral & sponges take on a presence that stand off the canvas surface, and where colorful translucent jellyfish give a light, happy feel to this painting.
Textured comby reeds have an impressionistic feel from being painted on canvas at the right, to literal 3D & transparent form coming off the surface to the left, being true to life & seaweed like.
Under blacklight, the scene takes on a whole different chalky glow look. Fish & sponge flowers glow against the darkness & transparent jellyfish turn pasty. Background sea reeds by day, now turn into distant woody stump or coral look, like a scene from Pirates of the Carribean.

High transparent features evident in even thick shapes
Gel jellies parade the surface
sculpted fish leap off the canvas with giant wavy fins
Dual light painting... bright sea colors for daylight use, glows in the dark under blacklight for seeing at night
Multi-tone coral sculptures
Use of paintskins applied. Palette knife pressing technique, forms the background gel looking reeds
Black high gloss frame included (may require polishing cloth when hanging)
Is a favorite print to order here.
Galleries > Blacklight Paintings > 3D Under the Sea