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Udemy Online Video Instructor


Certificate in Art: Graphic Communication - Computer Graphics

AS Degree

First painting as a business, was an international sale to Bristol, England










Developed impasto texture often reaching over an inch high

A pioneer in developing the Sculptural Paint style

Invented the Transparent glass look, but flexible, from jelly-like paint


Developed drying paint on a separate layer for shaping/sculpting, then to be placed back in the painting for sculptural effects. This idea was developed by Ruth for the fine art painting world.


Invented Template Designs to download, print out, seal & paint on, as more of learning fine art than cheesy coloring pages.


Developed Paintskins further, by being able to save paintings from the unintended palette, & make further sculpted shapes.


Invented Squeeze-tracing over templates in teaching demos for others to learn how to add in sculptures to their own paintings.


Texture style cited in North Carolina Virtual Public Schools Online Art 1 course


Mention in the Art Colony's newsletter within 1 month of signing up for "thinking outside of the box" with Bubble Gum Art.


Interview: Artist of the Week at The Art Colony, January 23, 2013.

Invented "Braided Paint" (below) April 15, 2013. A 2-strand twist & a regular 3-strand braid.

Invented paint to retain a Spiral Shape, April 18, 2013.

Invented the first successful "Solid Round Ball Shape" with literal paint, April 28, 2013.

Invented Crochet'd Paint, June 28, 2013.

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