Peel Paintings Gallery

Appealing veiny texture makes this thick acrylic painting neat. Two surfaces pressed and pulled apart reveal these fascinating lines.

Peel painting underwater scene that has been pressed twice to get four paintings. Each time you press the paint together, it looks different and the texture lines get smaller but yet more intricate. Acrylic texture peel painting done by Ruth Collis.

Peel abstract of veiny texture lines from a Press & Peel technique by Ruth Collis.

Right piece of Floral Triptych peeling painting set.

A folded press of thick acrylic paint, then peeled apart, made this neat peel painting in unique texture.

This is a Peel Painting technique of pressing paint together and peeling apart to reveal this great texture. Here, paint can convey a sense of motion like escaping this avalanche.

Peel technique of thick paint reveals unique texture in 2 partial peels with this horse's mane and forelock.

Lovely vibrant and cool colors mix in this abstract peel painting of thick acrylics, where paint is pressed and then pulled apart to reveal all these neat texture lines.

Peel this paint in a certain way with fire colors, and you get a pretty hot acrylic painting of texture.

Textured lines create the fur in this Peel Painting on black Boo Cat, by Ruth Collis, and 3D eyeballs made entirely of thick acrylic paint.

Fluid paint can even surprisingly be used in a Peel Painting. Press paint between 2 surfaces and peel apart to reveal neat texture lines.

Gritty texture added to this Peel Painting on Yupo, by Ruth Collis.
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Galleries > Peel Paintings
This is a gallery of peeled paintings by Ruth Collis. It's a technique where you put paint between two surfaces and then peel apart to reveal these intricate veiny lines of texture.
It's a style that could appeal to beginning artists, as well as provide some advanced techniques to make some really cool art.