Razor Coral Beginnings

Razor Coral Beginnings
Entirely Acrylic paint - No mixed media of any kind.
11x14 smooth edges, 7/8 inch deep - Original Painting
Cradled Rigid Panel for support
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More techniques for making plate coral, invented from just studying objects & photos of coral.
Red glass-like edge flower formed from studying how to get transparent looks at will.
Veiny texture on sea plants.
The first of better quality supports used. With all the heavy weight of these added sculptural objects, a rigid panel is of better quality to hold such things, than a canvas that could sink down with enough weight on it.
Most use of paint sculptures on other canvases of Ruth's paintings have been around the edges of the canvas where the frame holds the support, or now here on a panel, paint weight can be placed anywhere without concern.

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