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Make 3D Snow with Light Molding Paste by Ruth Collis

I JUST MADE ACRYLIC SNOW!!! So excited I can't keep this one a secret until putting in a course. Have to show you now. This means that you can now just drop snow textures on your trees instead of having to paint it in & all the shadows, & now have immense texture too! I'm looking up trees now & all the stuff I disliked about snow, that now has a new light... and no cold applying the acrylic snow to your painting! Yipee. Looks like styrofoam, but it's not. It's an acrylic paint product made by the Golden paint manufacturing company. I guess it turned out just right, having discovered this in the month of December where you see all the snowy Christmas scenes. :)

Grating Light Molding Paste to Create Snow
3D snow texture

Update: Dec. 2, 2014, at 12:17 am - by Ruth Collis Here is an example of using 3D snow on trees in a winter setting. If you don't have enough snow grated, you can use a very small canvas! How cool would it be to see literal snow texture on YOUR paintings?

Paint 3D Snow & Winter Trees course by Ruth Collis

Micro 3D Winter Trees Entirely Acrylics 2x3 Entry in monthly contest with "Winter" theme this time, from the Facebook group: Fun with Acrylic Painting.

What ideas can you think of to make 3D snow? Answer in the comment section below.

Ruth Collis, Sculptural Painting

Ruth Collis Sculptural Painter

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