Galleries > Sculptural Paintings > Pipe Coral Abstract
Pipe Coral Abstract
3D Pipe Coral Abstract
Entirely Thick Acrylics on 1-1/2 inch Gallery Wrapped Canvas
18x24 inches - original painting
*Only 1 available
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"Its amazing! If i was actually in front of it, i'd have to put my hands in my pockets so i wouldn't touch it from curiousity of trying to figure out how you did that."
~ Bobbie SunyNite Brown
See if this painting is available here online from Xanadu Gallery.
These pipe coral tubes are made of literal thick dried sheets of entirely thick acrylic paint, rolled into shape and painted with gritty textures and pearls. The pipe coral paint sculptures are mounted to a canvas to hold the sculptures upright and are attached to each other in some places to provide a structure for this somewhat flexible medium to be supported. The background is silver and white texture on a heavy duty gallery wrapped canvas.
This highly dimensional abstract city of pipe coral blues, purple, and turquoise green pearl highlights has captivated many an eye, from appearing like a bouquet of coral vases to a coralscape of pipe dreams looking like a city of tube sponges underwater. Some even say it is pipe organ madness exploding into different views as you change angles in looking at it. Is it realistic or abstract? Is it both? Let your guests decide, if you choose to be the purchaser of this original pipe coral sculptural painting made by Ruth Collis.

Additional angles photographed:

Three-dimensional organ pipe coral sculpture, also know as a tube sponge, made entirely out of thick acrylic paint in this classy sculptural painting. Photographed on a black velvet backdrop.

Side view of the 3-dimensional organ pipe coral sculpture painting, showing it's depth and form.

Odd shaped pipe corals showing glimmer of deep blue and sea green pearls, with purple. White ringed tops add polishing touch.

Artistically painted organ pipe corals that are made from all thick acrylic paint dried on a sheet and then rolled to form these neat tubes.

Tube sponges show a new dimensional form in the acrylic painting world.

Odd shape in center adds appeal to these pipe corals sculpted in this painting.

Sea green pearl shimmer adds highlighting touch to this pipe coral.

This closeup of the organ pipe coral shows a bit of how the inside was made... from a thick paintskin made from unused paint.

Nice view of these literal 3D sculpted forms made entirely out of thick acrylic paint.

Hollow tubes of thick acrylic paint make for an interesting painting of sculpture and dimension.

Odd shape of organ pipe coral sculpted from thick acrylic paint. Shadow is from the paint itself, rising off the surface in unbelievable form.

Shell shaped pipe coral with the signature of sculptural painting artist, Ruth Collis, next to it.