About Sculpted Paintings:
The sculpted paintings of Ruth Collis are available to purchase & learn how to create in online classes.
Tired of Boring Art?
You like to be the one who “discovered” something unique, interesting, and cool.
You like what makes you feel good, look good, and you seek the refined things in life.
You might have a love for all fascination found under the sea.
Or you want to see a raging animal design come to life for your exotic lifestyle.
You're unique and managed to escape the cookie cutter lifestyle.
You are like a diamond, full of many faucets and dimensional sides to you.
You also know you are deserving of quality.
You might like to express the dimension in you with a sculptural painting.
Finally, trend AND quality can combine together into one.
You can have classy paintings of texture and wonder that come to life in a painting with dimension.
Videos and multiple photo angles added online to show the painting's full dimensional qualities.
Online purchasing for your convenience.
A sculpted painting can made just for you by commission in using the contact form here.
I'm Ruth Collis, sculptural painting artist and instructor.
I help people collect 3-dimensional paintings of texture they love.
I have made many inventions with this thicker paint style that is starting a whole new revolution.
I use cake decorating tips and fun tools to make some interesting effects.
I use only thick acrylic paint and quality materials.
How my work is different:
I don't use found-objects that degrade a painting like what the mass wave of artists are currently doing.
Often recycled works "look" recycled & cheap. I would rather see what upscale thing can be made of "unused" paint that would normally be thrown out, like palette paint that builds up, evaporated paint water, or excess paint scraps that make great sculptures.
I have a tendency to paint the environment while classing it up some with some kind of acrylic bling.

"I live in Pismo Beach, California, USA."
~ Ruth Collis