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3D Acrylic Painting Techniques Blog
August 31, 2016
Need to find how big a paint bottle is in your part of the world compared to another to know how big or small the jar is according to another country's terms of measurement? How big or small is that paint jar?
Here's a handy chart to bookmark in your browser for your next paint order that will convert a measurement of paint from one country to another....
August 29, 2016
The thick painter' palette is flat and has no thumb holes so you can mix a huge volume of paint. The palette is not meant to be held since it's heavy which means no wrist strain. Why you add gel for volume is to get paint thick where you can paint all kinds of impasto texture and sculptural fun using many different fun tools for interesting effects...
March 25, 2016
Here are art terms and their meanings in the categories of mediums, color, supplies, techniques, styles, and the differences between common terms.
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