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Artist's Block - The Myth eBook
($60 value)

*This $12 special will end soon and be $19, so get it now while you can.
103 pages
2.41 MB PDF file
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Learn how to turn creativity on and off at will
No suffering with sleep loss when distant Creativity does come
Get Creativity to chase you instead of you chasing it
Blast through blocks to creativity
10 tools you can use to prevent blocks
How to get in the "Flood of Ideas" stream
Mark off 67 Checklist items before you say you have blocks
Identify with a list of things that can stop creativity
Getting through depression & blocks
How to keep creativity going
An exercise to create in any mood
Setting up a space for success
Tips on Organization, Productivity, & Time
Creative writing for artists
Quick Answers
*This book comes with a warning to not read it a few hours before bed or you may be so excited from some of these techniques that it may keep you up and cause insomnia. Please read this book in the earlier parts of the day when it is better to get your mind going and to be stimulated then, not right before bed.
In the Artist's block ebook, you will learn how to make creative art, get art inspiration, know what an art block is, free yourself from a mental block you might have, be creative and learn how to make a creative block a myth.
What others are saying...

"I LOVE LOVE this creative ideas book you wrote I have been reading it I follow your website and FB page lots. I am so excited
to see all the wonderful projects you have on the go you are truly an inspiration... which I have had this book so it is helping. I am your biggest fan do you realize we have been chatting since 2012? lol time flies. I have watched you grow as an entrepreneur, artist and now successful writer and am so proud to call you my friend I promise one of these days a visit is on my bucket list. everything I have read so far is wonderful. You keep my interest and I love your writing style its like I am having a creative conversation with you over coffee as I read the book. It truly is a journey of self discovery. I highly recommend it and am so proud of you and what you have accomplished todate."
Cathy Demkiw
Horse Lover & Creative Mind

“Artist’s Block - The Myth" is a useful and well considered publication, and should be part of every artist's resource library. It
works both as a practical guide and as a reference book. Well written, friendly and informative, it is full of good information - not only personal advice, but different methods (or tools) to encourage creativity - worksheets, questionnaires and examples, both visual and written. It is helpful not just for artists who find themselves blocked, but also for people who want to create but don't feel they can, or feel stuck somehow. And I think “artist's block” has happened to most long term artists, where you are just unable to produce or come up with ideas for one reason or another - it has certainly happened to me. Beyond that, this book has practical suggestions for setup, creating your work area, and keeping your momentum going.
These ideas and and tools, as well as Ruth’s shared experience, will give you strength in your own efforts and help you (as she says) to "build your artistic muscles.”
Patricia Musgrave
Oil painter,