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Blog > Prevent Artist's Block by Roller Skating
August 21, 2016 - by Ruth Collis
Prevent Artist's Block by Roller Skating
My Roller Skating Hobby...

One way to avoid Artist's Block is to have other hobbies to keep your mind fresh and do new things that don't become stale. See this video below of me on my QuadLine roller skates! I'm not doing any fancy tricks at all but I did have some fun with cool camera angles!
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These are QuadLine roller skates shown. The name "quad" comes from 4 wheels like regular roller skates, or styled like the off-road quad called an ATV, which have a better support for the foot, and precise turning control.
"Line" is from inline skates that have wheels lining the center of axis like ice skates but are made of soft cushiony wheels that ride over bumps easy, go over grass and through water real smooth and QUIET! So dreamy fun.
The two, "quad" and "line" are combined in the QuadLine name to bring the added control and tricks enabled like sharps turns, spinning, jumps, and yet be comfortable, as well as have both front stopper features which enhance hill climbing and fun air turns landing in a backwards skidded stop.

Beware of ordering from some of these skate places. I got mine at Skates.comIf you want an exchange or refund, they may try to trick you into saying you tested them outside, at which they refuse to exchange/refund you for them then not being new enough for resale, yet they tell you to order one size smaller as they come from out of the country (if you live in the USA).
I suggest ordering your same size you are, and test the fit to your foot indoors on carpet. Thin skate socks are pretty pointless to getting as well. Skate boots above the ankle will cut in to your leg until you break them in, and you actually could benefit from some kind of above ankle wrap to protect your lower leg area. The high boot could be a good idea though, for keeping your ankle more straight and from twisting. With a lower cut boot, your ankle is free move better but also not get the support a taller boot would give. Your choice. I like the classic style but with modern improvements.
I remember wanting skates as a child but living on a farm way out in the country with dirt everywhere. My dad asked where I would use them. I didn't know or care, I just wanted them, so he brought home these steel wheels you clamp around your shoe... so ancient now and worth more for nostalgic reasons probably, but I just hated them then and was so embarrassing to have these noisy things while everyone else had smooth quiet skates built-in to the shoe. I did eventually get better skates when moving to the city, but still weren't as cool as these quiet quad wheels invented later.
QuadLine Roller Skating
These wheels are dreamy because of how somewhat translucent they are. That means light shines through the wheels.

In fact, these pretty pink wheels inspired me to create something dreamy in art... "Lollipops Are in the Air" with oil bars gliding over a tape mask cut with one of those fancy scrap-booking scissors. Peeled off and it made a cool border. But I got this idea from seeing these dreamy pink wheels spinning into a lovely blur. They are so pretty! So by having other hobbies, it can definitely inspire you to create in other ways you wouldn't know of until actually doing them.

What do you do for fun to change things up that prevents artist's block?
Answer in the comments below.

Ruth Collis
Sculptural Painting Instructor
Learn a multitude of other ways to prevent artist's block in the new downloadable guide: Artist's Block - The Myth