Art in Businesses > TD Parker Salon & Gallery
Sculpted Paintings at
TD Parker Salon & Gallery in San Luis Obispo
2078 Parker St # 100, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
March 22, 2019 (for 3 months)
Sculpted paintings on display at
TD Parker Salon & Gallery...

Sculpted paintings displayed inside TD Salon & Gallery March 2019

"Giant Coral Painting" at base of the stairs of TD Salon & Gallery in San Luis Obispo, March 2019

Ruth Collis' "Giant Mushroom Coral" in entry way of TD Salon & Gallery in San Luis Obispo, March 2019

"3 White Coral Tiles Mounted" in entry way of TD Salon & Gallery in San Luis Obispo, March 2019

"Buttery Sunshine" at TD Salon & Gallery in San Luis Obispo, March 2019

"Flower Palette" and "3D Crinkle Poppies" at TD Salon & Gallery in San Luis Obispo, March 2019

"3D Pipe Coral Abstract" at TD Salon & Gallery in San Luis Obispo, March 2019

Ruth Collis' "Undersea Garden" at TD Salon & Gallery in San Luis Obispo, March 2019

Pleasant fountain patio experience at TD Salon & Gallery in San Luis Obispo, March 2019

Pleasant fountain patio experience at TD Salon & Gallery in San Luis Obispo, March 2019

"Fat Peach Pipe Corals" and "Vase of Rosettes" at TD Salon & Gallery in San Luis Obispo, March 2019

This painting has been the start of accumulating all the undersea wonders Ruth Collis is discovering with her testing. In her online courses, she shows how to make each individual unique feature or how to compile them all into a masterpiece like this painting here.

A custom made cake decorating tip made this highly sculpted wall sculpture. There are various sized strips in this Giant Mushroom Coral painting to add interest.

Barnacle sculptures on canvas made entirely of thick acrylic paint squeezed through cake decorating tips to get their stylized shapes. Two outer tiles are of a barnacle variety, and the center a lacy mussel type look.

These pipe corals are of a nice rounded variety which gives a unique look, and made entirely from thick acrylic paint.

Practice tests add up to form romantic flowers or stacked to make a lacy vase. From the Kindle book: "Make Rosettes Made of Paint" by Ruth Collis

Palette knife monochromatic painting of all yellow including classy gold highlights. Some people see a flower, while others see sun warmth radiating out.

Unique crinkled feature is all thick paint, not crinkled paper! Other challenges were to curve the flower round, as well as upward, and make the stamen stand up without falling over. This was a great breakthrough for the acrylic paint world, turning paint into literal sculptures!

This discard painting ended up being the painting of interest as the intended one didn't work out. This further started Ruth Collis on a new style of texture, fun colors, and quicker made paintings instead of her tight figures.

This highly publicized sculpted painting is made from unused palette paint instead of being discarded, and now forms a classy sculpture on a wall painting.

Inspired by the artistic rock located behind Inn At The Cove in Pismo Beach, Ruth Collis had to incorporate this in her painting with all kinds of acrylic textures.
For more about collecting sculpted paintings from Ruth Collis, please visit:
*Paintings on tour in businesses are sold through the Morro Bay Art Association.