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Painting Template Downloads
Download artistic painting templates to print out, seal, and paint or color in for a therapeutic and relaxing adult coloring.

In this video, see Benefits:
Designs up close
How to print
What paper to print on
How you can transfer the design to another surface
What mediums you can use
In this video, see:
Demo of painting with watery Gel Stick Gelatos
Buy, print out on fabric canvas sheets
Seal with fixative
Paint over all the bubbly fun
Or color in with pens, pencils or pastels to melt the stress away. Designer mermaid templates below.
Why buy Nelson Mermaid designs?
Nelson's Mermaids:
Dreamy designs from a fine art artist that has a better quality look to them
These can be printed out over & over again
Use any medium you like
Print on canvas, pastel paper, watercolor paper, computer paper & more
Frame your work of art.
Other Cheap Brands:
Numerous designs are usually cheesy looking and not as dreamy.
Have one design that is used up and no more.
Limited to what medium will work on them with how they come.
Designs come on only one type of paper for one type of use.
Torn out of a book doesn't look as nice.
Does not come with paints, brushes, sealer, or supplies. Download template designs only.
Acrobat Reader required to open & print files, available free here.
Internet Connection required for Download.
Printer required for use.
Your results will vary.
For Windows or Mac.

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