3D Acrylic Painting Techniques Blog
Blog > What to do with Your Palette of Unused Paint?
July 15, 2016 - by Ruth Collis
What to do with Your Palette of unused Paint?
Many artists are using paper plates, styrofoam, and pizza boxes for a palette, then throwing the plate plus the dried paint away.
There is an option to use a non-stick palette for acrylic painting, and especially if you are a painter using thicker acrylics, your palettes of paint can build up quite fast. What can you do with these skins of paint?

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This video shows how you can take whole palettes of dried paint and turn it into a literal painting:
If you use a non-stick palette, you can peel unused paint layers off, called a paintskin, and not only save the environment, but you can roll them into these classy pipe corals to add 3-dimension to your painting.
This acrylic paint can peel right off a non-stick palette like the Peel Palette to make some cool stuff like cutting up a paintskin to make mosaics, using a hole punch to add texture, wrapped around a panel, or roll into these cool organ pipe corals. You can also build up layers of paint on the palette real fast (like overnight), if you don't want to

wait in order to get these neat pipe sculptures to put in the coolest sculptural painting:

Some Benefits:
Save paint from being wasted
Save money from not wasting paint
Save your plumbing pipes from being clogged
Raise awareness of preserving coral reefs
Feel brilliant for turning nothing into something easily
What do you do with your unused paint?

Course: "Turn Unused Palette Paint into Abstract Sculptures"
Learn how to take unused dried acrylic paint you would normally throw away, and make these classy pipe corals from them
Discover how to get a paintskin from scratch without waiting for months for the paint to build up
See what archival glue to use
Learn how to make your own Chunky Texture Gel
Get this $75 course for $35, by clicking here